2012 Summer Series, Age Groups, and Trail Series Results Now Posted

The 2012 NMC Summer Series was recently completed with the 4C’s race. The series included sixteen races. Within this series the club also held a trail series that included five trail races included in the summer schedule as well as two additional club sponsored trail races, the Overlook trail race and the Templeton 7M Trail Race. Altogether ninety-four club members participated in at least one of the Grand Prix races. Three club members completed all sixteen races. First time Grand Prix Ironwomen Heidi Handy and Denise Lawson will be awarded jackets recognizing their achievment. Second time winner Peter Orni will have his jacket embroidered to note his achievment as well. In order to qualify for Grand Prix winner status a member must complete at least seventy-five percent of all the races. For runners who complete more than the twelve of sixteen races this year the best twelve finishes were taken for their total. The following members are this year’s overall Grand Prix winners:

Women: Pts Total #/Races
1st Heidi Handy 1199.77 1592.22 16/16
2nd Denise Lawson 986.3 1294.27 16/16
3rd Marge Gladwin 802.44 968.23 15/16

1st Charlie Salmond 1055.48 1303.49 15/16
2nd Rick Hersey 908.18 1050.93 14/16
3rd Peter Orni 891.02 1161.95 16/16

Congratulations to all. Awards will be presented at the annual meeting and the running of the first winter series club race the Bob Hersey Memorial 5M race January 6th. Trophies will also be awarded to age group winners and the winners of the trail series.