North Medford Team at Boston Marathon

We are looking for names of all current Members that are signed up for the Boston Marathon regardless if you qualified or received a waiver from the club or a charity. In addition to being able to track your progress and recognize your marathon accomplishment on the club website and a future newsletter, and to know who to look for passing us by at the club table in Newton (be sure to smile as Paul takes your picture!) we want to make sure we are represented in the team ‘competition’.

Unlike other team competitions, we cannot score ‘down’ age-wise in events so every runner plays a key role regardless of ability level – fast, slow, crawling up Boylston…even if you don’t think you are ‘good enough’ to contribute think again! This is an excellent opportunity for our running club – 2nd oldest only to the BAA – to get our name out there and show our NMC pride. The NMC name is widely recognized in the area, and regardless if you are in the front, middle or back of the pack in Boston, you will always hear people cheering as your NMC singlet passes by.

Please forward your information (name, age, sex) to Jim Fay by March 16th so we can submit the names to the BAA. His email address is: