Whitney Memorial 5K Tuesday 9/8 Changes!!! Road Construction Jackson Rd

Folks- this coming Tuesday- 9/8 is our Whitney Memorial 5K Race over on Devens. There is a construction on the lower part of Jackson Rd(Main Ayer Gate side), and the course will be modified. Jackson Rd is closed, and

Sherman Ave is two way temporarily. You will need to use Sherman Ave to get to Buena Vista and the Soccer Field.

Rene Lavoie was mapping out a new course- and here is his report:

“Briefly, it begins and ends at the same location and start out in the same direction. We will continue on Sherman up to Jackson instead of turning onto the path to Jackson. We take a right on Jackson and a quick right onto Pine then bear left on Grant a short loop back to Jackson where we take a left and head towards Rogers Field. We take a left on Walnut to the end then right on Sherman to the rotary and right on Elm which is how we usually finish and through the field to the finish. It measures out as 3.15 on Map my run but could be adjusted to a true 5K.”