2012 Summer Series, Age Groups, and Trail Series Results Now Posted

The 2012 NMC Summer Series was recently completed with the 4C’s race. The series included sixteen races. Within this series the club also held a trail series that included five trail races included in the summer schedule as well as two additional club sponsored trail races, the Overlook trail race and the Templeton 7M Trail … Read more2012 Summer Series, Age Groups, and Trail Series Results Now Posted

Fall 2012 Newsletter Posting-

Latest Newsletter Posting here- of particular note, NMC is changing its criteria for awarding of waivers for both Mt Washington, and Boston Marathon. The Point Policy takes affect January 2013, and effects the awarding of waivers for the 2013 Mt Washington, and 2014 Boston Marathon. BIG Thanks to Donna LeBlanc and her editorial staff!!! https://www.northmedfordclub.org/newsletters/NMC%20Newsletter%20v18n3.pdf