On Sunday January 5th an election was held to choose Club Officers for the 2014-2015 Term.
Results are as follows:
President Mark Fontaine
Vice President Sarah Dennechuk
Treasurer Marge Gladwin
Secretary Gail Dwyer
Membership Dir Deb Fontaine
Newsletter Ed. Donna Leblanc
Website Mgr. Chris Reid
Outgoing Pres Jim Fay
Board of Directors:
Tricia Gabor Therrien
Gary Savoie
Mike Ohara
Joe DiMucci
Rene Lavoie
Denise Lawson
Charlie Hebert
Jeff Gould
Darlene Hoover
Ken Parker
Honorary Board Members:
Jim Imprescia
Paul McDermott
John Robertson
Dave Duval
Congratulations to you all and Thank You for your service.
At the same time- we would like to thank the following out going members for their years of service to the Club:
Jim Gaffney
Brenda McDermott
Jim McDermott
Molly Reid
Amy Paquette
Zack Tibbets