Shamrocks On The Rocks 5K March 17, 2013 Lunenburg, Mass Sponsored by North Medford Club, On The Rocks, F & M Plastics, and Bella Storage Solutions Place Name City Time 1 Collin Cook Bedford NH 17:36 1st Overall 2 Matias Pietropinto Leominster 18:51 2nd Overall 3 Zack Rolfe Ayer 19:07 3rd Overall 4 Rob Shapiro Lunenburg 19:50 5 Sean Beverly Lunenburg 20:15 6 Ryan Hastings Fitchburg 20:19 7 Brook Hansel Lunenburg 20:21 1st Female 8 Pete LeBlanc Leominster 20:34 9 Andrew Gardner Lunenburg 20:41 10 David Gardner Lunenburg 20:41 11 Karma Tousignant Lunenburg 20:47 2nd Female NMC 12 Gennaro Conte Shrewsbury 20:54 13 Connor Orockly Fitchburg 21:04 14 Charlie Salmond Fitchburg 21:16 NMC 15 Joe DiMucci Templeton 21:18 NMC 16 Rob Ryll Clinton 21:25 17 Travis Spinelli Leominster 21:26 18 Edward Hazard Leominster 21:39 19 Katie Collette Leominster 22:00 3rd Female 20 Geraldine Gardner Lunenburg 22:10 21 Rob Haueisen Fitchburg 22:11 22 Sau Mei Lueng Clinton 22:18 NMC 23 Ricky Hebert Leominster 22:21 NMC 24 Gary Savoie Leominster 22:24 NMC 25 Anthony Lombardi Brookline NH 22:30 NMC 26 Nicole Hollums Westminster 22:30 NMC 27 Michael Paul O'Brien Fitchburg 22:32 Best Costume 28 Vinnie Rivard Leominster 22:38 NMC 29 Elaine Carroll Leominster 22:43 30 Thomas Coleman Athol 23:11 31 Marina Menchi Leominster 23:12 32 Marvin Carey Leominster 23:15 33 Lisa Lombardi Brookline NH 23:17 NMC 34 Kevin Shaughnessy Rutland 23:22 35 Mark Jackson Fitchburg 23:28 NMC 36 Lexi Rolfe Ayer 23:31 37 Bob Gardner Lunenburg 23:33 38 Kristina Seguin Fitchburg 23:35 39 Julia Brodmerkle Berlin 23:45 40 Susie Iovanni Lunenburg 23:49 41 Dawn Arsenault Lunenburg 23:52 42 Lori Berkey Shrewsbury 24:05 NMC 43 Jillian Finch Lunenburg 24:11 44 Cheryl Legere Fitchburg 24:11 45 Carolyn Finch Lunenburg 24:13 NMC 46 Javier Fuertes Fitchburg 24:14 47 Grant Maloney Ashburnham 24:15 48 Cathy Harris Leominster 24:28 49 Alex Buckman Leominster 24:28 50 Todd Kelly Fitchburg 24:32 51 Ruth LeBlanc Fitchburg 24:33 52 Sean Doyle Leominster 24:36 53 Nico Dandini Leominster 24:37 54 Lisa Stone Mutti Winchendon 24:37 NMC 55 Tom Spinelli Leominster 24:41 NMC 56 Sarah Kelly Fitchburg 24:49 57 Edward Kirrane Fitchburg 24:51 58 Jenny Wolfe 24:57 59 Lori Homoleski N. Andover 24:57 60 Karli Mordue Ashburnham 24:59 61 Gary Campbell Fitchburg 25:02 62 Sarah Schultz Rindge NH 25:03 63 Kristen caira Clinton 25:14 64 Donna LeBlanc Sutton 25:17 NMC 65 Phil McGaw Shirley 25:22 NMC 66 Jeff Duval Fitchburg 25:24 67 Heidi Miller Lunenburg 25:24 68 Holly Boudreau Worcester 25:31 69 Randal Stange Orange 25:37 70 David Maurice Londonderry NH 25:44 71 Michlyn Derocher Boxboro 25:44 72 Carl Gamberdella Lunenburg 25:46 73 Heather Seguin Fitchburg 25:54 74 Jeffery Harding Athol 26:06 75 Fran Seager Shirley 26:07 76 Woody Syrjala Nashua NH 26:13 NMC 77 Sean Hastings Clinton 26:14 78 Mark Downey Bolton 26:20 79 Ashley MacDonald Leominster 26:27 80 Kelly O'Connor Fitchburg 26:30 81 Julie Paris Woburn 26:33 82 Lindsey Jolley Spencer 26:38 83 Caitlin Donovan Westminster 26:44 84 Carol Allain Leominster 26:51 NMC 85 Glenn Chapman Leominster 26:53 86 Lizz Turner Lunenburg 26:54 87 Katherine Ekburg Lunenburg 26:59 88 Lee Ann Nault Lunenburg 27:02 89 Caroline Fortin Lunenburg 27:02 90 Who Are you Whereever 27:07 91 Jessica Gale Fitchburg 27:08 92 Robert Wirtanen Westminster 27:12 NMC 93 Kelly Hansel Lunenburg 27:13 94 Stephanie Quinn Lunenburg 27:16 95 Greg Audet Concord NH 27:17 96 Colleen Shapiro Lunenburg 27:19 97 Emily Slezak Athol 27:21 98 Brooke Gary Boxboro 27:27 99 Jamie McAuliffe Boxboro 27:27 100 Diane Helander Leominster 27:33 101 Harry Dow Hampstead NH 27:33 102 Who Are You 2 Whereever 27:41 103 John Harmon Leominster 27:42 104 Todd Gallagher Leominster 27:43 105 Wendy Arena Leominster 27:44 106 Alissa Guay Leominster 27:46 NMC 107 Alisha Coleman Athol 27:47 108 Joseph Cusano Ayer 27:51 109 Who Are You 3 Wherever 27:53 110 Jim Petkewich Leominster 28:05 111 Jennifer Bergeron Leominster 28:07 112 Maggie McEvilly Leominster 28:13 113 Emina Berbie Leominster 28:13 114 Lana Kopsala Leominster 28:14 115 Kim Riggins Ashburnham 28:21 116 Sandy Orni Lunenburg 28:30 117 Gail Dellasanta Lunenburg 28:31 118 Judy Perrin Concord 28:37 119 Oliva Wirtanen Westminster 28:39 120 Judy Jollimore Ashby 28:43 121 Where are you Anytown 28:45 122 Laurot Morin Leominster 29:00 123 David Dennis Lancaster 29:08 124 Sherry Aveni Leominster 29:11 125 Tory Bedard Fitchburg 29:14 126 Eric Hague Gardner 29:17 127 Karen Li Shirley 29:21 128 Sara Fontaine Fitchburg 29:21 129 Heidi 29:24 130 Becky Markovits Lunenburg 29:24 131 Eileen Maloney Lunenburg 29:29 132 Brenda Rolfe Ayer 29:29 133 Rebecca-Baker Warry Leominster 29:32 134 Where Are you 2? Anyplace 29:41 135 Donna Decarolis Fitchburg 29:43 136 Chris MArtins Lunenburg 29:43 137 Peter Fitzpatrick Lancaster 29:50 138 Cyndi Deshayes Leominster 29:50 139 I Dunno Someplace 29:55 140 Jonathon Martin Westminster 30:01 141 I Dunno Somewhere 30:08 142 Tina Stange Orange 30:15 143 Celeste Billia Lunenburg 30:18 144 Damien Montoya Fitchburg 30:19 145 No Name No town 30:20 146 Jessie Spinelli Leominster 30:27 147 Jillian Crawley Fitchburg 30:28 148 Kristal Cormier 30:35 149 Jim Fay Templeton 30:36 NMC 150 Nick Phillips Lunenburg 30:45 151 Kevin Shortis Petersham 30:52 152 Albert Ramos Fitchburg 31:17 153 Christine Fanelli Templeton 31:35 154 Jim Donovan Leominster 31:36 155 Melani Santos Cumberland RI 31:42 156 Emily Connor Lancaster 31:45 157 Deb Wihtelin Gardner 31:55 158 Dawn Barske Templeton 31:58 159 Ann Blood Templeton 31:59 160 Barney Hastings Clinton 32:11 161 Heather Montoya Fitchburg 32:20 162 Tracy Cavaco Fitchburg 32:22 163 Alan Foulds Reading 32:27 164 Patrick Connor Lancaster 32:35 165 Jennifer Grogan Gardner 32:37 166 Jami Anderson Leominster 32:38 167 Danielle Thompson Lunenburg 32:40 168 Lisa Gamberdella Lunenburg 32:43 169 Michael Kennedy Leominster 33:09 170 Elizabeth Kennedy Leominster 33:09 171 Susan Downey Fitchburg 33:23 172 Cara Castaner Lunenburg 33:43 173 Alicia Orlow Lunenburg 33:43 174 Erin MacDonough Woburn 33:44 175 Wendy Fitzpatrick Lancaster 33:54 176 Laurie Caisse Leominster 34:02 177 Scott Smith Fitchburg 34:02 178 Sarah Joyce Lunenburg 34:30 179 Karen Hachey Fitchburg 34:35 180 34:37 181 34:39 182 Malcolm Mordue Ashburnham 34:43 183 Deliciana Montoya Fitchburg 34:48 184 Jodi Hefler Leominster 34:50 185 Jessica Fairbanks Leominster 34:50 186 Dianna Cruz Fitchburg 34:51 187 Liz Curran Fitchburg 35:05 188 Jennifer Sheldon Leominster 35:35 189 Maura Lizek Lunenburg 35:41 190 Leah Joyce Leominster 35:43 191 Cyndi Damon Woburn 35:44 192 Sally Hazard Leominster 35:48 193 Heidi Puutio Westminster 35:50 194 Angela Suarez Westminster 35:51 195 Susan Barbieri Natick 36:02 196 Amanda Malatos Fitchburg 36:04 197 Neely Giannangelo Fitchburg 36:04 198 Ashley Anderson Leominster 36:05 199 Patricia Vaillette Leominster 36:13 200 Daniel Dodson Newton NH 36:23 201 Kristen Cook Bedford NH 37:07 202 Jamie Merrill 37:12 203 Rachel Letendre Gardner 39:09 204 Sherry Sylvester Orange 39:59 205 Niki Duplacy 40:28 206 41:22 207 Jessica Kirrane Fitchburg 43:23 208 45:23 209 Cheryl Johnson Westminster 48:42 210 Julia Gallant Phillipston 48:43 211 Marilou Crohan Leominster 56:21 NMC |