Summer Series Standings Now Posted

The summer series has begun and with some luck with the weather we hope to have many enjoyable and competitive Tuesday evening club races. As suggested by a number of club members we have adjusted the grand prix scoring as well as added age group designations. Hopefully these standings will be updated weekly as long as life does not interfere. If you happen to notice an omission or error of any kind let me know and I will correct it. There will be an additional posting for the trail race series for the four trail races that the club has on its summer schedule. The first race in this series within the summer series is Boxford Sate Forest 10K Trail Race which is scheduled for June 15th. The following week is the Lake Dennison 4M Trail Race followed by the inaugural NMC Burbank 5M Trail Race on July 13th and finally the 5.75M Lynn Woods Trail Race. Hope to see you there.